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National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) is a centrally sponsored programme being implemented under the aegis of National Health Mission.

National Level: Managed by Central TB Division (CTD), the technical arm of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW)

State Level: State TB Cell coordinates the overall TB elimination programme in state under the guidance of State Health Society. The training ,supervision, monitoring and evaluation NTEP at state level are looked after by STDC (State TB Training and Demonstration Centre).

District TB Centre (DTC) is the nodal point for all TB elimination activities in the district under the guidance of the District Health Society.

Tuberculosis Unit (TU) Level: NTEP activities at block/sub-district level are implemented through TU which comprises Designated Medical Officer (MO) supported by two full-time NTEP staff - STS (Senior Treatment Supervisor) & STLS (Senior TB Lab Supervisor).

PHI (Peripheral Health Institute): PHI is a health facility manned by a Medical Officer (MO). Some of the PHIs are also the Tuberculosis Diagnostic Centres, which are the most peripheral level laboratories in the NTEP structure. All the Private Health Facilities like Private Practitioners / Private Hospitals / Clinics / Nursing Homes are also PHI.

Figure: Organisational structure of NTEP





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