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  • Long Term Post-treatment follow up of TB patients

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will be able to 
    - Recall follow up schedule after treatment completion
    - Discuss follow up screening of persons completed TB treatment and 
    - Discuss 'Relapse free cure from TB'


After completion of TB treatment, all patients should be followed up at the end of

  • 6 months,
  • 12 months,
  • 18 months &
  • 24 months

TB patients at the follow up should be screened for any clinical symptoms and/or cough. If found positive on screening, then sputum microscopy and/or culture should be considered. This is important in detecting the recurrence of TB at the earliest.

After completion of TB treatment, if the patient has not developed any clinical symptoms and/or cough and also if the microscopy remains negative during their follow up, then the patient is considered as “Relapse Free Cure from TB.”


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