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The presence of tuberculosis disease during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum is known to result in unfavourable outcomes for both pregnant women and their infants. These outcomes include a roughly two-fold increased risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, and a six-fold increase in perinatal death.

Screen TB patients in Pregnancy & Lactating Patients

Figure: Screening Steps in special situation - Pregnancy and Lactating TB Patients


Treatment for TB - Pregnant & Lactating Patients

  • Cases of pregnant/lactating women with active TB should be referred to the nearest health facility of NTEP for further management.
  • They should be continued on iron and folic acid and other vitamins and minerals to complement their maternal micronutrient needs.
  • In situations when calcium intake is low, calcium supplementation is recommended as part of antenatal care.


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