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Under the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP), strategies adopted in the treatment of TB are based on the available scientific and operational researches. These strategies are combined to ensure better treatment outcomes for the TB patients. The main strategies include:


Domiciliary Treatment

  • This is a strategy that allows for the treatment of TB in a patient’s home.
  • Domiciliary chemotherapy proved to be as effective as sanatoria treatment (which was the historical way of treating TB) and achieved higher cure rates.
  • The patients having the social benefits of being at home. 


Short Course Chemotherapy (SCC)

  • Chemotherapy of TB underwent revolutionary changes in the 70s owing to the availability of two well-tolerated and highly effective drugs – rifampicin and pyrazinamide.
  • These drugs allowed for SCC and made it possible to simplify treatment and reduce its duration without reducing the therapeutic effect.
  • Now with SCC regimens, it is possible to treat and cure TB patients in 6 months.
  • When given daily, these regimens are effective, achieve high cure rates, prevent the emergence of drug resistance and minimize relapses.
  • The shorter duration also contributes to improvement in treatment adherence.


Directly Observed Treatment (DOT)

DOT is a method whereby a trained healthcare worker or another trained designated person (treatment supporter) watches a patient swallow each dose of anti-TB drugs and document it.

  • DOT can reduce the development of drug resistance, treatment failure, or relapse after the end of treatment.
  • Many patients who do not receive directly observed treatment stop taking drugs once they feel better.
  • Hence, by providing DOT, the NTEP ensures that patients receive the right drugs, in the right doses, at the right intervals and for the right duration.


The modern treatment strategy is based on standardized short-course chemotherapy regimens largely administered on a domiciliary basis, utilising the DOTS strategy and proper case management to ensure completion of treatment and cure.





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Which of these treatment strategies are adopted by NTEP? Domiciliary treatment Use of short-course chemotherapy Directly observed treatment All of the above 4 Strategies utilized by NTEP in TB treatment are domiciliary, short-course chemotherapeutic short-course regimens that are directly observed.      


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