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The stakeholders for private sector engagement under NTEP are the groups or individuals that are involved in or affected by the TB elimination program in India. They may include:

  • Private-sector healthcare providers, such as doctors, clinics, laboratories, and pharmacies, that diagnose and treat TB patients

  • Medical associations, such as Indian Medical Association (IMA), that represent and support private-sector healthcare providers

  • TB patients and their families, who seek care and support from private-sector healthcare providers

  • Communities and civil society organizations, such as NGOs and community-based organizations, that advocate for and assist TB patients and their families

  • NTEP staff and officials, who coordinate and monitor the TB elimination program and its activities

  • Government agencies and authorities, such as Central TB Division (CTD), State TB Cells (STCs), District TB Officers (DTOs), etc., that provide policy guidance, technical support, and resources for the TB elimination program

  • Development partners and donors, such as World Bank, USAID, Global Fund, etc., that provide financial and technical assistance for the TB elimination program

These stakeholders have different roles and responsibilities in the TB elimination program and need to collaborate and communicate effectively to achieve the common goal of ending TB in India. 

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