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ID Language Title Status LMS Page Link ContentCreator Reviewer Updated/commented date Sort descending
492 English Presumptive TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
492 Gujarati Presumptive TB Under Development Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
492 Hindi Presumptive TB Approved Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
492 Marathi Presumptive TB Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
492 Tamil Presumptive TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
492 Telugu Presumptive TB Approved Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
540 English Presumptive EP-TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
540 Hindi Presumptive EP-TB Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
540 Marathi Presumptive EP-TB Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
539 English Presumptive Pulmonary TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
539 Gujarati Presumptive Pulmonary TB Under Development Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
539 Hindi Presumptive Pulmonary TB Approved Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
539 Marathi Presumptive Pulmonary TB Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
539 Tamil Presumptive Pulmonary TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
539 Telugu Presumptive Pulmonary TB Approved Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
541 English Presumptive Paediatric TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
541 Gujarati Presumptive Paediatric TB Under Development Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
2173 English Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing [UDST] Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
732 English Integrated DR-TB Algorithm Depreciated Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3518 English UDST Report Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3518 Marathi UDST Report Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3518 Telugu UDST Report Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3500 English Patient List S Line LPA Not Offered Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3500 Marathi Patient List S Line LPA Not Offered Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3500 Telugu Patient List S Line LPA Not Offered Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3499 English Patient List F Line LPA Not Offered Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3499 Marathi Patient List F Line LPA Not Offered Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3499 Telugu Patient List F Line LPA Not Offered Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3504 English TB Notification Dashboard Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3504 Marathi TB Notification Dashboard Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3504 Telugu TB Notification Dashboard Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3597 English TB Index Dashboard Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3597 Marathi TB Index Dashboard Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
3597 Telugu TB Index Dashboard Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
4571 English Monitoring indicators related to Notification Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
4570 English Monitoring indicators for case finding Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
2017 English Reporting of ACF campaign Published on LMS SwathiK PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
2017 Marathi Reporting of ACF campaign Published on LMS SwathiK PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
2017 Telugu Reporting of ACF campaign Published on LMS SwathiK PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
714 English Monitoring of ACF campaign Published on LMS ShikhaDhawan PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
714 Marathi Monitoring of ACF campaign Published on LMS ShikhaDhawan PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
714 Telugu Monitoring of ACF campaign Published on LMS ShikhaDhawan PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
2018 English Field Supervision of ACF campaign Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
2018 Marathi Field Supervision of ACF campaign Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
2018 Telugu Field Supervision of ACF campaign Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
2019 English Recording formats under ACF campaign Published on LMS Mariyam PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
2019 Marathi Recording formats under ACF campaign Published on LMS Mariyam PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
2019 Telugu Recording formats under ACF campaign Published on LMS Mariyam PrashantBhat 2 weeks 6 days
2020 English Microplanning and execution of ACF campaign Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days
2020 Marathi Microplanning and execution of ACF campaign Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 weeks 6 days