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Minimum Stock

 A minimum stock level is a threshold value that indicates the level below which actual medicine stock should not normally be allowed to fall.

In other words, a minimum stock level is a minimum quantity of a particular drug/ medicine that must be kept at all times.

The main factors to consider when fixing the minimum stock level are:

  • Average consumption
  • Time needed to procure/ receive from supplies/ reporting facility, i.e., Lead time
  • Reorder level (a fixed stock level between the maximum and minimum stock levels, at which a request for supply will be placed)

The minimum stock level can be calculated by applying the following formula:

Minimum Stock Level = Reorder level - (Average consumption per time period under consideration x Time taken for delivery)

(time period may be day/ week/ month/ quarter)

Maximum Stock

A maximum stock level is the upper limit of stock that should not be exceeded under normal circumstances without the prior agreement of the management.

The aim of setting a maximum stock level is to maintain the inventory level at the warehouse.

The main factors to consider when fixing the maximum stock level are:

  • Average consumption
  • Availability of storage space
  • Economic order quantity
  • Time needed to procure/ receive from supplies/ reporting facility
  • Cost of carrying inventory or cost of storage

The maximum stock level can be calculated by applying the following formula:

Maximum Stock Level = Reorder level + Reorder quantity - (Minimum consumption per time period under consideration x Minimum time taken for delivery)


Figure: Stock Re-ordering Level; Source: Inventory Management.






Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
The stock of drugs should not normally fall below the minimum stock level. True False     1 A minimum stock level is a threshold value that indicates the level below which actual medicine stock should not normally be allowed to fall. In other words, a minimum stock level is a minimum quantity of a particular drug/ medicine that must be kept at all times. Yes Yes

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