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  • Nikshay Aushadhi-Reports

    Learning Objectives

    Stock in Hand record, Stock Ledger Report, Expirt details, Transfer Order, Box prep register, Issue register, damage/lost item detail, receipt register, write-off details, issue to third party, receipt from thrid party


Ni-kshay Aushadhi allows the users to view a number of autogenerated reports.

These reports available under the Acknowledgement desk of Ni-kshay Aushadhi are listed below:

Figure 1: Reports in Ni-kshay Aushadhi


Figure 2: Reports section in Ni-kshay Aushadhi; Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi Portal.


Definition of the Reports





Expiry Details

This report gives the description of expired drugs in the store. The report can be viewed on the basis of drug categories and for any facility mapped with the store

Stock in Hand Record

This report gives a description of available drug stocks in the store. The report can be viewed on the basis of drug categories and for any facility mapped with the store

Stock Ledger Report

This is a digital stock register wherein you can check all the details relevant to a specific drug during a specified period of time. The details include opening balance, received quantity, issued quantity, and closing balance.

Issue Register

This is a digital record of supplies issued by a Store to its mapped stores and facilities

Box Preparation Register

This is a digital record of drug boxes prepared by a store.

Damaged/ Lost Item Details

This is a digital record of damaged and lost items at a particular store. The report can be viewed on the basis of the drug category and for any facility mapped with the store.

Receive from Third Party Report

This is a digital record of receipt of supplies from any facility mapped as a third party with a particular store. The report can be viewed separately for all the mapped third parties and for a specified duration of time.

Transfer Order

This report is a digital record of outward transfers made by a store.

Issue to Third Party Report

This is a digital record of supplies issued to any facility mapped as a third party with a particular store. The report can be viewed separately for all the mapped third parties and for a specified duration of time.

Receipt Register

This is a digital record of supplies received by a store. The receipts can be viewed on the basis of category as well as for a specified period of time.

Write-Off Details

This is a digital record of drugs condemned by the stores.



Ni-kshay Aushadhi Manual, Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.



Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​

What does the stock ledger report contain? Opening and closing balance

Received quantity

Issued quantity

All the above

All the above

A stock ledger is a digital stock register wherein you can check all the details relevant to a specific drug during a specified period of time. The details include opening balance, received quantity, issued quantity, and closing balance.




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