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Every Tuberculosis Unit (TU)/ Peripheral Health Institution (PHI) store has a pharmacist who ensures proper supply chain management of anti-TB drugs and other supplies at the TU and PHI level. TU/PHI pharmacist performs the following functions:

Role of TU/PHI Pharmacist

Figure 1: Role of Tuberculosis Unit (TU)/Peripheral Health Institution (PHI) Pharmacist

  1. Receipt of supplies: The pharmacist of the TU/PHI will receive supplies from District Drug Store (DDS) and maintain records relevant to this activity.  
  2. Issues / dispatches by TU/PHI store: The pharmacist of the TU/PHI will issue supplies under the following circumstances:
  • Routine monthly supplies to PHIs
  • Supplies to PHIs against Additional Drug Requests (ADR)
  • Routine supply of CBNAAT cartridges and Truenat chips to the NAAT labs.
  • Routine supplies to the private health facilities mapped with the PHI stores
  • Supply of medicines to the patients
  1. Prepare stock statements: The TU/PHI Pharmacist will prepare a Monthly Stock Statement (MSS) at the last day of each calendar month. 

  2. Data entry and record maintenance: The pharmacist of the TU/PHI will maintain records in the Bin cards (BC) and Stock registers (SR). The pharmacist will also make relevant entries in Ni-kshay Aushadhi.



Standard Operating Procedure Manual Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Government of India.


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What is the role of TU pharmacist Receipt and dispatch of supplies Prepare stock statements Data entry and record maintenance All the above All the above As per the SOP manual by CTD, all of the above-mentioned roles should be fulfilled by the TU pharmacist      



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