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  • Forecasting the expiry of supplies

    Learning Objectives

    analysis/review of stock/consumption, anticipated consumption in future, expected patient load/new patients, This has to be done using reports from Nikshay Aushadhi along with reports. May attach report/forecasting format


Forecasting the expiry of supplies

In order to ensure the timely consumption of supplies it is important to develop mechanism to periodically monitor control over expiry position of the supplies held in stocks. Reviewing of reports generated by Nikshay Aushadhi can help forecasting the expiry of drugs and taking appropriate actions to ensure consumption of these supplies before their expiry dates. Some of these reports are listed below:

Drug expiry alert: This alert lists out all the drugs from the inventory of the store that are going to expire in the next three months.

Figure 1: Drug expiry alert

Source: Nikshay Aushadhi portal

Stock ledger report and Stock in hand reports: These reports give a list of drugs available at a particular store and details about their available stock and consumption status. These reports will highlight the stores that are overstocked based on their consumption pattern and might not be able to utilize the supplies within their expiry dates.

Figure 2: Stock in hand record

Source: Nikshay Aushadhi portal

Figure 3: Stock ledger report

Source: Nikshay Aushadhi portal

Once the stores having drugs with near expiry dates or those who are overstocked are identified the next step would be to calculate the consumption capacity of these stores based on their existing patient load and anticipated number of new patients to be added. This would help in forecasting drugs in stock that would be consumed before their expiry and those that will not.


Following format can be used for forecasting the consumption of the supplies before expiry:

Table 1: Format for forecasting consumption of supplies



Expiry Date

Stock in Hand

Anticipated consumption by existing patients

Expected consumption by new patients

Total expected consumption

Excess quantity

Will the consumption happen within the expiry date?            Yes/NO












Standard Operating Procedure Manual Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2018




Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

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Correct explanation​

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Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​

Drug expiry alert lists out drugs which have their expiry date in next: 6 months

3 months

1 month

15 days


Drug expiry alert lists out all the drugs from the inventory of the store that are going to expire in the next three months.






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