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After receiving directions about the collection of drug samples for QA from Central TB division, the respective stores need to record all the details in the Nikshay Aushadhi. Various steps involved in this process are as follows:


Process overview:


Detailed procedure

Step 1: Go to the Nikshay Aushadhi website and click on login. Enter your user ID, Password, captcha text and click login.

Step 2: Reach the ‘Drug Quality Inspection Issue Detail’ window following the path:

Home>Services>Quality Control Management> Drug Quality Inspection Issue Detail.

Step 3: Click on the ‘drug finder’ Tab and select drug and batch number required for testing and enter the quantity.

Note: This quantity has to be retained at respective drug store in sealed condition till further instructions from Central TB division.

Step 3: Click ok to save your selection and repeat Step 2 to add more drugs if any.

Step 3:  Enter desired details- lab name, controller ID and Controller name in the relevant columns and click on ‘Save’ tab to complete the process.

Figure 1: Saving the details

Source: Nikshay Aushadhi portal


1.Standard Operating Procedure Manual Procurement & Supply Chain Management- Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India 2018

2.Nikshay Aushadhi Manual-Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India



Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​

How often the drugs from selected zones as per directions of CTD are goes for post procurement QA to the independent laboratory

Hired by NTEP?






QA post procurement-

Drugs lying at GMSDs, SDS, DDS and TU drug stores picked up for testing by an independent laboratory hired by the programme.

Quarterly collection of drugs from selected zones as per directions of CTD by  NTEP hired independent laboratory







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