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Monitoring of supply chain management is carried out by a two-tier monitoring system:

  1. Central system- at central level, Central TB Division (CTD) reviews and ensures adequacy of drugs and consumables at State level.
  2. Decentralized system- by the State TB Officers (STOs) and the District TB Officers (DTOs) whereas they ensure adequacy of drugs and consumables up to the level of the DOT Centers.

The various methods for monitoring include:

1. Store Visits

  • Essential, as it checks the accuracy of store records and brings about an overhaul of the store section, especially its physical condition.   
  • Ensures that the stores are well preserved against any damage or deterioration due to wrong storage or other hazards.

2.Physical Verification

  • It is an audit requirement that physical verification of all stocks are carried out at least once in a year.
  • Ensure that the quantity of drugs in the stock register/Ni-kshay Aushadhi matches with the physical stock balance in the drug store.
  • Carried out under the supervision of officer-in-charge at the State, District Tuberculosis Centre(DTC), Tuberculosis Unit (TU) & Peripheral Health Institution (PHI) drug stores regularly at the end of each month.
  • Any shortage or excesses should be substantiated by submission of a separate report and to be rectified in Ni-kshay Aushadhi after approval from competent authority.
  •  The physical verification register/sheet should be verified by officer-in-charge and maintained at drug store.

3.Usage of Ni-kshay Aushadhi / desk monitoring

  • Ni-kshay Aushadhi is an online web portal which ensures quality of data  the real-time monitoring of drugs and consumables availability, usage, requirement along-with expiry management.
  • The various desks in Ni-kshay Aushadhi - acknowledge desk, dispatch desk, online transfer detail desk, issue to patient desk and return request desk, which help in monitoring the flow of drugs from various points. 
  • CTD ensures drug adequacy at states/districts by reviewing stock availability through Ni-kshay Aushadhi which enables continuous monitoring of drug stock position at all levels.




1.Standard Operating Procedure Manual-Procurement & Supply Chain RNTCP, MoHFW, GoI 2019

2. NTEP training modules 5-9, Central TB Division, MoHFW, GoI 2020


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What is true for two–tier monitoring system for supply chain under NTEP?


Central system at central level by Central TB Division Decentralized system by State TB officers & District TB officers Both are true None are true 3

Two–tier monitoring system under NTEP:

 · Central system- at central level, Central TB Division (CTD) reviews and ensures adequacy of drugs and consumables at State level

 · Decentralized system- by the State TB Officers (STOs) and the District TB Officers (DTOs) whereas they ensure adequacy of drugs and consumables up to the level of the DOT Centers.











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