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This is a type of monitoring method, which is used to review and analyse the real situation. This is not only comprise of matching stock with the reports. It covers all the aspects of supply chain from infrastructure, people,stock,reporting etc. The filed visits are comprises of the following components.




Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​

NTEP store visit includes the checklist of Drug Stock register

Reconstitution register

Both Answer 1&2

None of the above


Relevant details to be checked at state level & district level during store visit are:

  1. Space assessment for drug store.
  2. Infrastructure for drug store.
  3. Human resources.
  4. Transportation.
  5. Physical verification.
  6. Training and capacity building workshops
  7. Expired / sub-standard drugs.
  8. Packaging of second line anti-TB drugs (Second Line anti-TB Drugs) in monthly patient wise boxes (PWBs).
  9. Documentation
  10. Recording and reporting formats
  11. Drug resistant TB (DR-TB) report
  12. Reconstitutions register












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