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Physical verification and reconciliation of anti-TB drug stocks are done at the drug stores, and immediate next steps are taken to deal with discrepancies determined, if any.




Figure 1: Flow chart of process of physical verification

Table 1: Format for Physical Verification Sheet (PVS) -Reporting Unit: State Drug Stores (SDS)/ District TB Centre (DTC)/ Tuberculosis Unit (TU)    

S.No Drug UOM Qty &DOE as per stock register Qty &DOE as per physical count Discrepancy between stock register and physical count Nature of discrepancy How discrepancy was dealt with Remarks
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f=d-e) (g) (h) (i)

UOM: Unit of Measurement, QTY: Quantity, SR: Stock Register


  1. Standard Operating Procedure Manual Procurement & Supply Chain Management; Central TB Division, MoHFW, GoI 2018.      



Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

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Correct explanation​

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Which of these are included in the steps for Physical Verification of supplies in different stores? UOM

Qty & DOE as per stock register

Qty & DOE as per physical count

Discrepancy between stock register and physical count

All of the above

Steps for Physical Verification of supplies in different stores include:

  • UOM
  • Qty & DOE as per stock register
  • Qty & DOE as per physical count
  • Discrepancy between stock register and physical count




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