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Drugs that are part of the shorter Bedaquiline (Bdq)-containing regimen have some typical side effects which need close monitoring of Drug Resistant-TB (DR-TB) patients while providing the treatment.


Table: Possible adverse events due to drugs in the shorter oral Bedaquiline-containing MDR/RR-TB regimen; Source: Guidelines for PMDT in India, 2021.
Adverse Drug Events  Causative Drugs 
QT prolongation Bdq, Fluoroquinolone (FQ), Clofazimine (Cfz)​
Rash, allergic reaction and anaphylaxis​ Any drug​​
Gastrointestinal symptoms​​ Ethionamide (Eto), Pyrazinamid (Z), Ethambutol (E), Bdq, Cfz, FQs, Isoniazid(H)
Diarrhoea and/or flatulence​ Eto​
Hepatitis​ Z, H, Eto, Bdq​
Giddiness​ Eto, FQ, Z​
Hypothyroidism​ Eto​
Arthralgia​ Z, FQ, Bdq​
Peripheral neuropathy​ H, FQ, rarely Eto, E​
Headache​ Bdq​
Depression​ FQ, H, Eto​
Psychotic symptoms ​ Isoniazid (H), FQ
Suicidal ideation​ H, Eto
Seizures H, FQ​
Tendonitis and tendon rupture​ FQ​
Vestibular toxicity (tinnitus and dizziness)​ FQs, H, Eto​
Optic neuritis​ E, Lzd, Eto, Cfz, H​
Metallic taste​ Eto, FQs​
Gynaecomastia​ Eto​
Alopecia​​ H, Eto​​
Superficial fungal Infection and thrush​​ FQ​​
Dysglycaemia and Hyperglycaemia​​ Eto​​





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