Target Audience
NTEP TB Index - Indicators
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Target TB Notification Achieved
H5ContentRoot Cause Analysis [RCA] for Low Performance in Percentage of Target TB Notification Achieved
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Known HIV Status
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of TB Notified Patients with Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing [UDST] Done
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Treatment Success Rate
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Eligible Beneficiaries Paid Under Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator – Percentage Of Multidrug-resistant [MDR]/ Rifampicin-resistant [RR] Patients Initiated on Treatment Out of Totally Diagnosed
H5ContentRCA for low performance in in Percentage Treatment initiation of RR/MDR-TB Cases
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage Expenditure Against Approved Record of Proceedings (ROP)
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of Children given Chemoprophylaxis from the Total Eligible Children Identified
H5ContentNTEP Performance Indicator - Percentage of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) given INH Preventive Treatment (IPT) Against Total Eligible PLHIV
H5ContentRCA for low performance in Percentage of Children given TPT from the Total Eligible Children Identified
H5ContentInternal Evaluation
H5ContentConducting review meetings at TU/Block level