Target Audience
Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis(DS-TB)
H5ContentTB Treatment – Steps
H5ContentTreatment Regimen for DSTB – Adult
H5ContentTreatment Regimen for DSTB - Pediatrics
H5ContentPre-treatment Counselling
H5ContentPre treatment evaluation of DRTB cases
H5ContentFollow-up of TB patient
H5ContentRegimen, Duration and Dosage for Isoniazid [H] Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen
H5ContentIsoniazid [H] Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen: Pre-treatment Evaluation
H5ContentFollow up sputum examination for DR-TB
H5ContentInterim Treatment Outcomes of DR-TB Cases
H5ContentAdverse Drug Reactions
H5ContentAdverse Drug Reactions(ADRs) to First Line Treatment
H5ContentAdverse Drug Events: H Mono/Poly DR-TB Regimen
H5ContentTB Treatment Outcome
H5ContentClosing Cases and Assigning Treatment Outcomes
H5ContentManage TB India Application
This chapter discusses about the TB Treatment, different regimens, PTE, Treatment outcomes in DR-TB patients, etc