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It is extremely important for any type of TB patient to be initiated on the right treatment at the earliest in order to have better treatment outcomes. Therefore as soon as the patient is diagnosed, they should immediately be traced with the help of the Community Health Officer (CHO) of the Health and Wellness Centres (HWC), TB Health Visitors (TBHV) / Senior Treatment Supervisor(STS) and the health facility doctors and initiated on the appropriate treatment regimen.

Steps in TB Treatment Initiation


Figure: Flowchart-Treatment Initiation




Answer 1     Answer 2     Answer 3     Answer 4     Correct answer     Correct explanation     Page id     Part of Pre-test     Part of Post-test    
The ultimate goal of the initial counselling session should be to empower the patient and their caregiver to make informed decisions regarding the treatment initiation. True False     1 The ultimate goal of the initial counselling session should be to empower the patient and their caregiver to make informed decisions regarding the treatment initiation.      Yes  Yes


As soon as the patient is diagnosed, s/he should immediately be traced with the help of the Community Health Officer (CHO) of the Health and Wellness Centres (HWC), TB Health Visitors (TBHV) / Senior Treatment Supervisor(STS) and the health facility doctors and initiated on the appropriate treatment regimen

True False     1 Soon after identification pre treatment counselling is given to patient and caregivers followed by pre treatment evaluation and treatment initiation.   Yes Yes

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