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  • Assigning a TS

    Learning Objectives

    Based on mutual discussion between patien, provider and TS, identificaiton of TS, assigning a TS on Nikshay


At treatment initiation a suitable Treatment Supporter has to be identified and assigned to the person on TB treatment.

How to identify a Treatment supporter for a patient 

  • The Treatment Supporter has to be acceptable and accessible to the person on TB treatment and accountable to the health system.
  • Should be identified in mutual consultation with the person on TB treatment and provider, during pre-treatment evaluation.
  • The Treatment Supporter can either be a healthcare worker, community worker/ volunteer, private practitioner or family member.
  • Should be able to receive training on drug administration, adherence monitoring, ADR referrals etc., and perform these functions. 

Assigning a Treatment Supporter to a Patient 

Once the Treatment Supporter is identified, the records of the person on TB treatment (Ni-kshay & treatment card) have to be updated by assigning the treatment supporter (prior registration in Ni-kshay is a pre-requisite) to the person on TB treatment. See the steps below to assign a Treatment Supporter to the episode of a person on TB treatment.

Treatment Supporters are eligible to receive the Treatment Supporters Honorarium as a Direct Benefit Transfer. However, to receive the DBT they should not be a salaried government employee.


  1. Only one Treatment Supporter can be assigned to an episode with status "On Treatment" of the person on TB treatment
  2. Treatment Supporters can be assigned by both the current PHI/ TU user.
  3. If required, a Treatment Supporter can be removed/ replaced by another Treatment Supporter anytime during the treatment.


Steps to assign a Treatment Supporter

Figure: Steps to Assign a Treatment Supporter in Ni-kshay


Figure: Screenshot Assigning a Treatment Supporter in Ni-kshay





Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
When should a treatment supporter be identified assigned to a patient episode ? While declaring treatment outcomes Any time while the person is on treatment At treatment initiation When the person on treatment is transferred 2

Treatment Supporters are to be identified and assigned to a patient at the time of treatment initiation.

Treatment Supporters can be assigned or re-assigned anytime during treatment, but this is in-case it has not been assigned before 

Yes Yes
A TB-HV acting as a Treatment Supporter can receive the Treatment Supporters Honorarium. TRUE FALSE     2 TB HV is a Salaried Government Employee and hence cannot receive the Treatment Supporters Honorarium.   Yes Yes
To assign a Treatment Supporter to a person on treatment, which of the following are True? The Treatment Supporter needs to be registered on Ni-kshay The Treatment Supporter should be acceptable to the person on treatment Should be able to record and monitor adherence, ADR, administer drugs, refer to the nearest Health Facility All of the above 4 Treatment Supporter needs to fulfill all the mentioned criteria.      

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