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Assigning a TS
Learning ObjectivesBased on mutual discussion between patien, provider and TS, identificaiton of TS, assigning a TS on Nikshay
At treatment initiation a suitable Treatment Supporter has to be identified and assigned to the person on TB treatment.
How to identify a Treatment supporter for a patient
- The Treatment Supporter has to be acceptable and accessible to the person on TB treatment and accountable to the health system.
- Should be identified in mutual consultation with the person on TB treatment and provider, during pre-treatment evaluation.
- The Treatment Supporter can either be a healthcare worker, community worker/ volunteer, private practitioner or family member.
- Should be able to receive training on drug administration, adherence monitoring, ADR referrals etc., and perform these functions.
Assigning a Treatment Supporter to a Patient
Once the Treatment Supporter is identified, the records of the person on TB treatment (Ni-kshay & treatment card) have to be updated by assigning the treatment supporter (prior registration in Ni-kshay is a pre-requisite) to the person on TB treatment. See the steps below to assign a Treatment Supporter to the episode of a person on TB treatment.
Treatment Supporters are eligible to receive the Treatment Supporters Honorarium as a Direct Benefit Transfer. However, to receive the DBT they should not be a salaried government employee.
- Only one Treatment Supporter can be assigned to an episode with status "On Treatment" of the person on TB treatment
- Treatment Supporters can be assigned by both the current PHI/ TU user.
- If required, a Treatment Supporter can be removed/ replaced by another Treatment Supporter anytime during the treatment.
Figure: Steps to Assign a Treatment Supporter in Ni-kshay
Figure: Screenshot Assigning a Treatment Supporter in Ni-kshay
- Direct Benefit Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, Central TB Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, India, 2021.
- Training Modules (5-9) for Programme Managers and Medical Officers, Central TB Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, India, 2020.
Question | Answer 1 | Answer 2 | Answer 3 | Answer 4 | Correct answer | Correct explanation | Page id | Part of Pre-test | Part of Post-test |
When should a treatment supporter be identified assigned to a patient episode ? | While declaring treatment outcomes | Any time while the person is on treatment | At treatment initiation | When the person on treatment is transferred | 2 |
Treatment Supporters are to be identified and assigned to a patient at the time of treatment initiation. Treatment Supporters can be assigned or re-assigned anytime during treatment, but this is in-case it has not been assigned before |
| Yes | Yes |
A TB-HV acting as a Treatment Supporter can receive the Treatment Supporters Honorarium. | TRUE | FALSE | 2 | TB HV is a Salaried Government Employee and hence cannot receive the Treatment Supporters Honorarium. | Yes | Yes | |||
To assign a Treatment Supporter to a person on treatment, which of the following are True? | The Treatment Supporter needs to be registered on Ni-kshay | The Treatment Supporter should be acceptable to the person on treatment | Should be able to record and monitor adherence, ADR, administer drugs, refer to the nearest Health Facility | All of the above | 4 | Treatment Supporter needs to fulfill all the mentioned criteria. |
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