CBNAAT Xpert MTB/RIF - Indications of use under NTEP

Since the test offers quick high sensitivity/specificity diagnosis TB and simultaneous diagnosis of RIF resistance, it is indicated for use in NTEP in the following cases.

Indications for use:

  1. Detection of TB in high risk Presumptive TB with high vulnerability/ Risk (such as previous history of TB, with X-ray abnormalities, HIV, Diabetes) or for use in Key populations for fast tracking diagnosis.
  2. Detection of TB & DRTB in cases with high risk of DRTB (such as contacts of DR-TB)
  3. Detection of RIF resistance in all TB notified cases.

CBNAAT Xpert MTB/RIF Assay/Cartridge

The test simultaneously detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) and resistance to rifampicin (RIF)

Test Performance Parameters: Sensitivity Specificity for MTB; Sensitivity Specificity for RIF; TAT is less than 2 hours.I

Test was endorsed by WHO for use in National TB Programs in 2010 and introduced for scaled up in India in 2015-16.

This test is expected to eventually be used as the first choice test for diagnosis of TB.

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