Specificity of a Test
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Define and explain the concept of Specificity of a TB test and its calculation.
Define and explain the concept of Specificity of a TB test and its calculation.
The learner will be able to
- Define incidence of TB Disease
- Calculate TB incidence rates and
- Recall Global and Indian TB incidence rate
Describe and define the prevalence rate for TB disease and its calculation.
The learner will be able to
- Define TB notification rate
- Recognise significance of TB Notification Rate and
- Calculate TB notification rate for given data
Describe the taxonomy of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and how it was named.
Self explanatory
At the end of the session, the learner will be able to:
Types of Communcation Attributes of Communciation Simple rules of effective communication Message should be short and simple Body language and Appearance
Do's & Don'ts for Patient Communication
Counselling of TB Patients