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Screening for active tuberculosis (TB) a process to filter out people who are less likely to have TB, from a group. Screened positive people are likely to have TB and are confirmed subsequently using a TB diagnostic test. This will allow finite diagnostic testing resources to be used on the remaining.

Screening in TB may be performed ​using simple field tools (4 Symptom complex) and tests such as Chest X-ray, or a combination of both. ​Combination of both is the most effective, but is often not applied due to the practical difficulties in making a chest X-ray conveniently available.

Screening is an integral part of any general case finding effort. It is also applied systematically in specific situations.

  1. At health care facilities (intensified case finding): Here those visiting are screened using the 4 symptom complex, often at the point of entry to the facility. Those screened positive may be fast-tracked to TB Diagnostic testing.
  2. In vulnerable populations in active case finding efforts: Here the entire population identified for active case finding are screened using the pre-decided protocols by going door to door. 


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