Trainers' Guide for STS Course


The purpose of this document is to provide the course coordinators and trainers for the ‘Course for STS in NTEP’ guidance for planning and executing the training. The targeted trainees for this course would be:

  • Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS)
  • Tuberculosis Health visitor (TB-HV)

This training may be provided by utilizing the blended approach where a mix of training methods and modes will be used to deliver content. This would include either in-person/ virtual training or facilitator led/ Self learning/ demonstration and role plays. Training sessions which require hands-on training will be conducted only in a physical setting. Keeping in mind the aforesaid best practices of the Modernized Training System, each State Office may decide to choose the approach which is most suitable for their State. 

The training of STS to be conducted at state/Regional level preferably at the STDC. 

The batch size for Physical Session/Virtual Sessions should not be more than 25.

For virtual sessions, the trainees will be going through the online content, and attempt quizzes after each module. An instructor-led session will also be conducted for each module. This will help the trainees for better clarification of contents and to address the queries and doubts.

For the training areas which require hand-holding of trainees like demonstration of processes- like patient management in Ni-kshay, filling of various forms, Adherence Management tools, recording information on Public Health action, use of NI-kshay Aushadhi, etc in-person training sessions need to be conducted.

The training course content has 11 modules and 41 chapters. Based on different modalities used for the training, the training delivery should take at least 40 hours.

For the purpose of assessment of trainees, a pretest before the beginning of training, interim quizzes at the end of each module and a post-test at the end of training has been configured in the course content. The certificates are auto-generated for the trainees in their LMS account on successful completion of post-test and their performance in interim quizzes.  

Training curriculum / Agenda




Training Modality




Basics of TB and NTEP

  1. TB & TB Epidemiology
  2. NTEP
  3. Integration of NTEP with Health System






TB Diagnosis and Case finding

  1. TB Case Finding in NTEP
  2. Diagnostic Technologies
  3. Diagnostic Network and Hierarchy
  4. Approaches to TB Case Finding
  5. Active Case Finding Campaign





TB Treatment and care

  1. General concepts in TB Treatment
  2. DS-TB Treatment and care
  3. DR-TB Treatment and care
  4. TB Infection treatment and care
  5. TB-Comorbidities and special situations





Adherence Management

  1. Patient Management
  2. General Concepts in Adherence Management
  3. Adherence Support
  4. Adherence recording
  5. 99 DOTS
  6. Medication Event Reminder Monitor(MERM)
  7. Adherence Monitoring and follow-up Action




Public Health Action

  1. Patient Support
  2. TB Arogya Sathi Application
  3. Contact Investigation
  4. Counseling and education
  5. AIC






  1. General Concepts
  2. Processes in DBT




Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. Supervision
  2. Program Monitoring Indicators
  3. Monitoring




Supply Chain Management in NTEP

  1. General concepts in SCM
  2. Stocking Norms
  3. General Processes involved in SCM





Private sector Engagement

  1. Overview of Private Sector Engagement
  2. Models for Private Sector engagement
  3. Partnership Options
  4. Regulations





ACSM and Community Engagement

  1. General Concepts in ACSM
  2.  Guidelines and Protocols for ACSM activities
  3. Community Engagement
  4. Social Inclusion and wellness activities



Training the Health Volunteers and Treatment Supporters





For this course, following personnel may be appointed as the trainers:  

  • MO - STDC 
  • MO - STC
  • WHO-consultants
  • DTO (select)
  • SDS/DDS Pharmacists (Select)- for Supply chain and drug distribution module.



Trainers are selected based on their ability to conduct training in an interactive and interesting manner. The Trainers should have completed the ‘Course for STS’ and they must possess strong knowledge about the NTEP and the various processes related to patient workflow, Niskahy and Niskahy Aushadhi.  The Trainers need to go through the Chapter- wise Training Guide for this Course, provided as an Annexure.

The Trainers should be well versed with the IT systems such as, Zoom (for video conferencing), Swasthya-eGurukul (Learning Management System), Ni-kshay and Ni-kshay Aushadhi.

  1. Chapter wise detailed instructions for Trainers 

The aim of providing chapter-wise detailed instructions provides the Trainers with the following:

  • Module-wise and Chapter-wise, modality that may be adopted (virtual/ Physical/ In-person)
  • The estimated time to complete the content.
  • The key messages that a trainer should emphasize upon, while delivering the training
  • The activities which should be conducted at the end of each chapter / session to ensure learning effectiveness. This may include asking specific questions, demonstrating processes, discussing various forms and equipment. If any Module specific physical visits are required to be conducted, such details are also provided here. 

This guiding document will also aid in bringing uniformity with respect to the content and quality of training conducted across the entire state and nation. 

Module 1: Basics of TB and NTEP                                              Virtual Session (4 hours)

Chapter 1.1

TB & TB Epidemiology

Virtual Session (60 min)

Emphasis Points

  • Differences between TB Infection and active TB Disease
  • TB has many determinants- behavioral, socio economic, biological
  • Vulnerable population for TB
  • Concepts of TB Notification Rate and TB Incidence Rate

Post Session Activity

  • The participants may be asked to (i) enumerate the various determinants of TB and (ii) difference between TB Infection and TB Disease 
  • Give an exercise to calculate the Notification rate of a TU. In a TU with a population of 2 lakhs, 100 TB cases were diagnosed and reported during the year 2022.. A total of 90 people with TB were initiated on treatment, 5 died and  2 migrated  before initiation of treatment.and 3 could not be contacted at all. What is the annual TB notification rate for that TU in 2021? [ Answer: 50 per lakh]
  • Discuss - Can we call the above obtained Notification figure as the incidence of TB in that TU? If not Why? [Discussion Points: Notification and Incidence are not the same. Notification includes all diagnosed TB cases and reported to the system. It includes both new and previously treated cases. There may be cases diagnosed, but not reported. It is possible that there will be cases in the community not diagnosed at all.]    

Chapter 1.2


Virtual Session (45 min)

Emphasis Points

  • Explain what India is committed to achieve in 2025 in relation to SDG related to ending TB. Clarify that the country has preponed the 2030 SDG targets related to ending TB to 2025.
  • Organizational structure of NTEP with broad functions of each institutions (state level and below)
  • Different stages in the patient’s life cycle need to be explained in detail and emphasis on the concept of continuum of care from ‘presumptive TB to post treatment follow up’
  • Concepts of ‘’Standards of TB Care’’ as a minimum set of care that every citizen in India should receive irrespective of where he/she seeks care from

Post Session Activity

  • Discuss- ‘What India is committed to achieve in 2025 in relation to ending TB?’’ [Clarify that the country is only trying to achieve the SDG goals related to Ending TB]
  • Discuss- ‘Can Medical College be a PHI?’

Chapter 1.3

Integration of NTEP with Health System  

Virtual Session(30 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • Need for integration of NTEP with the general health system & NHM and how that integration is envisioned . 

Post Session Activity

  • Discuss - "What are the opportunities available to NTEP through Health & Wellness Centers? How could that be materialized”’

Chapter 1.4

Patient Management

Virtual Session (60 mins)

Emphasis Points

How the information of patients are managed through Ni-kshay (Enrollment, Request for Test). 

Post Activity Session

Call two participants to demonstrate how they (1) enroll a subject and  (2) request for Test in Ni-kshay

Make all participants to view their task list in Ni-kshay and discuss how they are going to use the feature

Module 2

TB Diagnosis and Case Finding

Virtual Session (4 hours)

Chapter 2.1

Diagnostic Technologies

Virtual Session (30 min)

Emphasis Points

  • Names of different tests,their uses, advantages and disadvantages

Post Session Activity

  • Ask what are the advantages and disadvantages of FL- LPA over NAAT?

Chapter 2.2

Diagnostic Network & Hierarchy

Virtual Session (30 min)

Emphasis Points

  • Network and hierarchy of laboratories and their basic role

Post Session Activity

  • Ask “ how many sputum collection and transportation facilities are there in their concerned TU? Make one participant explain how it functions and what are the benefits out of it”?- Bring out the following benefits (1) prevents leaks in cascade of care (reduce loss from presumptive TB identification to TB Testing)  (2) minimizes patient inconveniences (3) minimize patient Turnaround Time (4) reduce out of pocket expenditure (5) helps in infection control as people with symptoms need not travel

Chapter 2.3

Approaches to TB Case Finding

Virtual Session (30 min)

Emphasis Points

  • Differentiate between screening and testing. 
  • The three approaches may be discussed by giving suitable examples to fit into the three scenarios

Post Session Activity

  • Discuss  the following scenarios and ask the participants which case finding those are

(i) Screening for active TB in a Diabetic Clinic & testing those who screened positive

(ii) Screening for active TB in an elderly home & testing those who screened positive

(iii) Screening for active TB in cancer wards & testing those who screened positive

Chapter 2.4

TB Case Finding in NTEP

Virtual Session (30 min)

Emphasis Points

Diagnostic algorithm for Pulmonary TB- Role of Chest X ray as a screening tool and the need to complete the diagnostic algorithm.

Classification of TB on the basis of site,diagnosis,  drug resistance


Post Session Activity

 Discuss: “What proportion of presumptive TB patients in your TU completes the diagnostic algorithm? What are the implications if the people are not completing the diagnostic algorithm?”


Chapter 2.5

Active Case Finding Campaign

Virtual Session(45 mins)

Emphasis Points

Step by step process in planning and execution of an ACF campaign with special emphasis on identification of target population, need for micro planning and  need to prevent the leaks in the cascade of care.

Post Session Activity

Discuss how they monitor the ACF in their TU against ‘Cascade of Care? What are the measures they undertake to prevent the leaks in ‘’Cascade of care’’? 

Module 3: TB Treatment and care                                                   Virtual Session (4 hours)

Chapter 3.1

  • General Concepts in TB Treatment

Virtual Session (60 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • It's an overview chapter explaining the concepts- Fixed Dose Combination, Intensive & Continuation Phase.  
  • Process of Treatment Initiation and Transfer of patients 

Post Session Activity

  • Request two participants to demonstrate  in Demo Ni-kshay the ‘Transfer’ of patients using (i) Push and (ii) Pull methods. 

Chapter 3.2

DS-TB Treatment and Care

Virtual Session ( 30 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • Regimen and dose of drugs for managing DS-TB for adults and pediatric group and weight bands available 
  • Display all FDCs in NTEP and ensure the participants could identify all information related to it
  • Common adverse events of anti-TB drugs

Post Session Activity

  • Call one participant and ask to explain the step by step process for initiating treatment to a 50 Kg old adult diagnosed with pulmonary TB (Rif Sensitive). Write down all the steps in a flip chart/chatbox/Virtual whiteboard. Ask other members to comment on the missed steps and the order of steps. 
  • Call a second participant and ask to explain the follow up for the same patient.

Chapter 3.3

DR-TB Treatment and care

Virtual Session (30 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • What is UDST?
  • Classification of DR-TB?
  • Regimens available for DR-TB?
  • Levels of facilities where treatment needs to be initiated.

Post Session Activity

  • Ask participants for doubts and help them clear those doubts 

CHapter 3.4 

Different DR-TB Regimens

Virtual Session (15 mins)

Emphasis points

  • Different regimens, constituents and duration
  • ADRs due to different regimens

Chapter 3.4

  • TB Infection treatment and care

Virtual Session (30 min)

Emphasis Points

  •  Eligible people for TPT
  • Testing for TPT 
  • Steps for Ruling out active TB before initiating TPT
  • Adherence monitoring and treatment support for those on TPT

Post Session Activity

  • Role Play- Counseling for TPT 

Chapter 3.5

  • TB Co-morbidity and special situations

Virtual Session (30 min)

Emphasis Points

  • Bi directional screening for TB-HIV, TB-Diabetes
  • Need for screening for tobacco and alcohol use among people with TB
  • Nutritional assessment for people with TB.
  • Need for and mechanism of Linkages of people with comorbidity (HIV, Diabetes, Malnutrition, Tobacco and alcoholism)

Post Session Activity

  • Ask the participants to describe the existing mechanism at their TU to screen TB among the people visiting ICTC centers - how is the screening being done? How is it  ensured that all those referred for testing have undergone testing? Discuss if there is any scope for improvement.
  • Ask the participant to describe how diabetes testing is done among people with TB in their TU? What are the steps  if a person with TB is found to have diabetes? Who and how is diabetic control ensured for that person? Discuss if there are any ways to improve. 

Module 4:                     Adherence  Management                          Physical Session (4 hours)

Chapter 4.1

General concepts in Adherence management

Physical Session (60 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • This is an overview chapter where participants need to understand the (i) General Concepts in Adherence Management such as why adherence monitoring and treatment support is important,(ii) what are the various supports required by a person with TB during TB treatment and (iii) various ways of providing those supports and (iv) various ways to monitor treatment adherence ?

Post Session Activity

  • Ask one participant to demonstrate how they register treatment supporter in Ni-kshay

Chapter 4.2

  • Adherence Support

Physical Session (60  mins)

Emphasis Points

  • Imparting skills to Record adherence in Ni-kshay- Demonstrate the recording of adherence in Ni-kshay. 
  • Recording adherence using TB Arogya Sathi Application

Post Session Activity

  • Call one participant and ask to demonstrate recording adherence using TB Arogya Sathi Application

Chapter 4.3

Chapter: 99 DOTS

Physical Session (30 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • Need to have 99 DOTS Envelops for this sessions 
  • Explain step by step process of adherence monitoring using 99 DOTS  (Choosing the envelope, educating the person with TB on 99DOTS, Linking it with Ni-kshay, administering the first dose, troubleshooting)

Post Session Activity

  • Give the following scenarios and ask them to troubleshoot\

Scenario 1: One of their patients complained that she used to dial the toll-free number every day and used to hear “Thank You” also. But when you check, the Nikshay dashboard is still showing red.


Scenario 2: One of your clients with TB  called you and told you that his call is not going to the ‘toll free’ number because of ‘insufficient’ balance. 

CHapter 4.4

Chapter: MERM

Physical Session (30 mins)

  • Need to have a MERM device for demonstration
  • Battery assembly may be explained and the different scenarios to troubleshoot should be explained.
  • The process flow in Ni-kshay(registering the device, setting the alarm and refill time ) should be explained to the participants 
  • One/more participants may be asked to demonstrate this in Ni-kshay(Demo)

Chapter 4.4

Chapter: Monitoring of adherence

Physical Session (60 mins)

Emphasis Points

 Participants need to be empowered to use adherence summary dashboards and interpret the indicators.   

Post Session Activity

  • Request everybody to open their adherence dashboards and comment on their % of 'Average Adherence' of all patients on treatment
  • Request all participants to open their adherence task list and ask their plans based on the task list

Module 5: Public Health Action                                       Physical Session (4 hours)

Chapter 5.1

Patient Support

Physical Session (60 min)

Emphasis Points

  • Various kinds of support the TB patient needs (nutritional support, psycho social support, support for deaddiction, travel support)  and how STS could help in offering the same 

Post Session Activity

  • Give a scenario: A 62 year old woman from a Tribal community affected with TB. Ask all participants to list out all the Government schemes/initiatives which can support her during the treatment period? Write down all schemes in a flip chart/Chatbox/Virtual board  

Chapter 5.3

Contact Investigation

Physical Session (60 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • Step by step process for contact investigations
  • Discuss the steps to record the contact tracing in Ni-kshay

Post Session Activity

  • Ask one of the participants how contact investigations are happening in his/her TU (Coverage, Quality, Periodicity, Challenges).  
  • Ask one/more participants to demonstrate the process in nikshay(Demo) 

Chapter 5.4

Counseling and Education

Physical Session ( 60 mins)

Emphasis Points

  • Basic principles of counseling (DOs and DONTs)
  • Points to be included while counseling of a person with TB

Post Session Activity

  • Ask participants  to comment on the following statements made by STS while counseling a person with TB
  1. “I have already informed all people who came to your shop that you are having TB”. (Clue: It's a breach of confidentiality. It should have been discussed with the person with TB first. The person with TB  should have been empowered to disclose it to others if required)
  2. “If you are not taking the medicines properly, you will definitely die”. (Clue: It's a coercive/threatening language and should be avoided)
  3. “ Because you were a smoker and alcoholic, you got TB” (Clue: It's a blame on the person and should be avoided)

Module 6                 


Physical Session(4 hours)

Chapter 6.1

General Concepts in DBT

60 mins

Emphasis Points

This is an overview chapter. 

  • Various DBT schemes for people affected with TB
  • Various stakeholders while processing DBT (Beneficiary, Maker, Checker)
  • PFMS

Post Session Activity

  • Re-emphasise the concepts - Maker & Checker; Ni-kshay & PFMS

Chapter 6.2

Processes in DBT

150 mins

Emphasis Points

  • Explain beneficiary registration, benefit process & benefit approval
  • Processing incentives for NP, private provider,  treatment supporter, tribal TB
  • Calculation of benefits
  • DBT reports & registers in Ni-kshay

Post Session Activity

  • Make every participant open their DBT benefit register and beneficiary register and comment on performance 

Module 7      

Supervision, Monitoring & Evaluation

Physical ( 4 hours)

Chapter 7.1             


60 minutes

Emphasis Points

  • General Concepts of Supervision and basis tenants of a good supervisory process
  • Supervisory Protocols for STS
  • Supervisory roles of MO-TC & DTO at TU

Post Session Activity

  • Reemphasise the concept of supportive supervision. Get feedback on how some of them plan to change their supervision plan.

Chapter 7.2

Program Monitoring Indicators 

120 minutes

Emphasis Points

  • Nine program monitoring  indicators - definitions, how to calculate the indicators, how to interpret the indicators.
  • How to perform a root cause analysis- (1) drill down to the problem using data, (2) perform a person, place, time analysis, (3) explore for potential reasons of low performance through interviews 

Post Session Activity

Assignment: Each participant needs to calculate any 3 indicators in their TU based on real time data and interpret those indicators.

  • For one of the low performing indicators, they need to do a root cause analysis and come up with potential solutions.
  • Every participant needs to submit an assignment based on this.

Module 8 

Supply Chain Management

Physical (4 hours)

Chapter 8.1

General Concepts

60 mins

Emphasis Points

General Concepts of SCM

  • Principles of SCM
  • Drug distribution flow
  • Nikshay Aushadhi

Post Session Activity

Ask for any doubts from the participants and clarify the same

Chapter 8.2

Stocking Norms

30 mins

Emphasis Points

Buffer stocks and storage norms

Post Session Activity

Reinforce the concepts of buffer stock and storage norms 

Chapter 8.3

Supply chain process

150 mins

Emphasis Points

  • Indenting, Receipt
  • Storage of drugs

Post Session Activity

  • Request one participant to demonstrate drug indenting through Ni-kshay aushadhi

Chapter 8.4

Drug dispensation Module

30 mins

Emphasis Points

  • Dispensation of drug using Ni-kshay, adding filling and returning dispensation

Post Session Activity

  • Request one participant to demonstrate the Ni-kshay dispensation module

Module 9         

Private Sector Engagement

Virtual (2 hours)

Chapter 9.1                   

General Concepts

30 mins

Emphasis Points

Why private sector engagement is important and what is the Vision of NTEP on private sector engagement

Post Session Activity

  • Recollect Standards of TB Care in India and emphasize that the vision of NTEP with regard to private sector engagement is to ensure STCI to all patients. The choice of where to take treatment remains with the patient. Emphasize that more than the private sector, it is the NTEP who wants to engage with the private sector to ensure that all patients reaching them receive STCI.  Tell that TU is a population and ensuring STCI to all cases emerging from that population is the responsibility of STS. STS can engage the private sector to minimize his/her workload.

Chapter 9.2

Models of Private Sector Engagement

60 mins

Emphasis Points

Explain PPSAs, Direct Option for engagement

Explain STEPS

Post Session Activity

Ask each of the participants to think what model suits for private sector engagement in their TU and why

Chapter 9.3

Partnership Guidelines

30 mins

Emphasis Points

Emphasis on various options under partnership options

Post Session Activity

Discuss what all partnership options are currently existing in their TUs and what would they want to have

Chapter 9.4


30 mins

Emphasis Points

Regulations of Mandatory TB Notification and Schedule H1

Post Session Activity

Discuss how information from schedule H1 could be used? (Clue: Most crucial field in the schedule H1 register is the name of the provider who prescribed it. Information from Schedule H1 register could be used to Identify the provider prescribing the anti TB drugs and prioritize for engagement, Identify missing TB cases)

Module 10

ACSM and Community Engagement

Physical(3 hours)

Chapter 10.1

General Concepts in ACSM

60 mins

Emphasis Points

  • Differentiate clearly among Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization
  • Common approaches for ACSM for TB Elimination

Post Session Activity


Chapter 10.3

Guidelines and Protocols for ACSM activities

60 mins

Emphasis Points

Organising Community Meetings, Peer group interventions, ACSM activities in schools

Post Session Activity

Discuss experiences form 1-2 participants regarding organizing community meetings

Chapter 10.4

Community Engagement

60 mins

Emphasis Points

LSGs and their role in TB Elimination

TB Forums and what they can do

What role can TB Champions play?

Post Session Activity

Discuss what needs to be done to reduce stigma regarding TB in the community. Encourage everybody to discuss.