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The following competencies are essential to a Pharmacists

Competency Description/ activities pertaining to the said competency  Assessment of competency
Prepare the forecast/ indent requirement for various supplies 
  • Reconcile the existing stock of supplies by triangulating the records and actual stock (including own store and sub-stores/ dependent stores)
  • Compute the "estimated consumption months" of particular actual quantity (units) of stock based on consumption patterns, units of conversion/ computation, etc.
  • Estimate the requirement based on ongoing trends, anticipated changes in consumption patterns, and programme stocking guidelines for maintaining adequate stocks at different levels
  • Prepare and submit the request/intend as per forecast in the respective recording template
1. Check indent request form and Drug Requisition modules in Ni-kshay Aushadhi
Prepare the procurement request for drugs and other supplies 
  • Review forecast estimates of supplies permitted for local procurement.
  • Secure information about necessary approvals (including records of proceedings/ ROP), Technical specifications of supplies intended for procurement,
  • Submit procurement request to appropriate authority in follow-up with forecast plans
  • Contribute in preparation of procurement documents - including "bid/ tender document" (request for quotes/ proposals) based on programme specifications, and respective applicable guidelines (NTEP and State Governments), "bid evaluation report", "purchase orders", etc.
1. Check records of procurement documents namely "Tender/ bid documents", "Bid Evaluation Report", "Purchase Order", "Bill of Supplies", etc.
Issue the stock of supplies to sub stores
  • Review indent requests from sub stores -Check available stock and (forecasted requirements from other indenting units) -Follow First Expiry First Out (FEFO) principle while stocking and issuing the stocks -Updating the relevant records (physical & digital)
1. Review records of stock register and respective modules in Ni-kshay Aushadhi
Receive the stock of supplies in the store
  • Review the "issue receipt" and "actual stock to be received" for the details like quantity, types of supplies, expiry, etc. -Updating the relevant records (physical & digital copies) and stocking the received supplies as per FEFO principle.
1. Review records of stock register and respective modules in Ni-kshay Aushadhi 
Maintain the physical stock of supplies as per programme guidelines in their respective store
  • Update Ni-kshay Aushadhi and stock register.
  • Identify separate stocking areas/ shelves for respective supplies.
  • Physical stocking of supplies based on "First Expiry First Out/ Last Expiry First In" principle of stocking
1. Reviewing records of reconciliation of stock register and physical stock and Ni-kshay Aushadhi 
2. Verify the store for stocking arrangements 
Conduct periodic physical stock verification
  • Assist store in-charge for planning and executing the periodic physical stock verification (PSV) activity as per programme guidelines.
  • Review physical stocks as against the respective updated records .
  • Document and communicate the findings and actionable recommendations of PSV to relevant stakeholders
1. Review records of Physical Stock Verification (PSV) Report 
Dispose off the expired stock as per programme guidelines
  • Periodically (at least monthly) identify and label the expired stock of supplies at the store.
  • Stock the EXPIRED stock of supplies separately from main/ non-expired supplies.
  • Reconcile stocks (types and quantities of various supplies) to be disposed off with various permissible disposal methods like burning/ burial/ handing over to bio-medical waste handlers - vendors/ condemnation and auctioning, etc.
  • Reconcile the records of expired stocks and prepare disposing off request for approval from competent authority.
  • Contribute in "disposing off" process as a key committee member
1. Review records of Physical Stock Verification report, disposal (write-off) report, etc. 
2. Interview with pharmacist to understand the current practices 
Perform supportive Supervision at health facility/TU/District level
  • Plan and conduct supportive supervisory visits to sub-stores for need-based agenda (e.g., ensuring availability of adequate stocks, maintenance of stores and records, adherence to standard operating procedures, etc.).
  • Provide timely and actionable feedback to sub-stores.
  • Review actions taken with an intention to improve quality of services
1. Review of Supervisory Register at health facility 
2. Review Feedbacks (referrable mails/ letters) to districts/TU/ Health facility
Conduct the trainings on the supply chain management in NTEP
  • Conduct trainings on Course for Pharmacists in NTEP -Conduct trainings on supply chain management for all cadres
1. Interview with trainees trained by pharmacist 
2. Interview with the pharmacists to understand current practices
Counsel people affected with TB/families
  • Educate the patient and family about dosage, duration, frequency of medications prescribed for DS-TB/DR-TB/ TBI.
  • Counsel them regarding treatment adherence and adverse drug reactions during the treatment  
1. Interview patients to check pharmacist's ability to counsel