Microbiology and Pathogenesis of TB

Mycobacterium TB are rod shaped, Acid Fast Bacteria causing Tuberculosis.

Once a person is infected, the further course of the disease progression depends on host factors, and in majority of cases may remain dormant. Disease breakdown happens when there is a reduction in host immunity.

Without treatment the TB patient's clinical condition may deteriorate and eventually leading to death.

History of TB


  1. TB as an ancient disease (4BC) and older terminologies (white plague/ Consumption/ Koch's disease/ KshayRog).
  2. Major eras in the fight against TB, (Based on chemotherapy)


At the end of the page, the learner will be able to
- State tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease
- Recall the causative agent of TB
- List the types of TB based on part affected and
- State the mode of TB spread

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