Solid and Liquid Culture in TB

Describe the laboratory method of culturing TB bacteria and its historic utility in diagnosing TB and that it still continues to be the gold standard diagnostic test for TB.

Discuss the solid and liquid culture types along with its major advantages/ disadvantages.

Discuss that Culture laboratories are setup in only advanced laboratories in select locations in the country.

Line Probe Assay [LPA]

  1. Provide an overview of the LPA Test- A rapid molecular test available at centralized laboratories using a combination of PCR, Gel Electrophoresis technologies. Primarily used for the diagnosis of DRTB. 
  2. Discuss the important advantages and disadvantages of the platform.
    1. Rapid test 
    2. Multiple tests at a time-Larger throughput
    3. lower sensitivity requiring culture
    4. Many genetic probes tested simultaneously
  3. Provide a brief overview(pictures) of the LPA laboratory and processing. 

TB Case diagnosis

Provide an overview of the process that results in a TB case diagnosis.

  1. Screening population for signs and symptoms for TB
  2. TB Diagnostic Testing for pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB
  3. Clinical diagnosis of TB
  4. Diagnosis of Drug resistance
  5. Referral for diagnosis and sample transportation

CBNAAT Xpert MTB/RIF - Indications of use under NTEP

Since the test offers quick high sensitivity/specificity diagnosis TB and simultaneous diagnosis of RIF resistance, it is indicated for use in NTEP in the following cases.

Indications for use:

  1. Detection of TB in high risk Presumptive TB with high vulnerability/ Risk (such as previous history of TB, with X-ray abnormalities, HIV, Diabetes) or for use in Key populations for fast tracking diagnosis.
  2. Detection of TB & DRTB in cases with high risk of DRTB (such as contacts of DR-TB)
  3. Detection of RIF resistance in all TB notified cases.
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