Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
2841 Truenat result interpretation and recording 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2842 Troubleshooting in Truenat 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2844 Biomedical Waste Management in Truenat Lab 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2845 Monitoring Truenat quality and lab performance 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2846 Reset Procedure for Truenat Testing 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2848 Trueprep Error Classes and actions 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2849 Truelab Error Classes and actions 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2850 Troubleshooting Failures Without Error Codes 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2851 Monitoring Different Types of Errors with Truenat 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2950 Monitoring and Evaluation of NAAT Labs 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3108 Pipette 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
2843 Truenat Instrument maintenance and recordkeeping 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3191 PMDT structure and roles 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3192 Referral mechanisms for DR-TB services 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3193 Senior DR-TB/TB-HIV Supervisor and their role 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3194 Interaction of Senior DR-TB/TB-HIV Supervisor with the TB Patient Care Ecosystem 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3867 Precautions for Inoculation and Incubation of MGIT Tubes 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3868 Identifying Breaks in Liquid Culture Protocol 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3870 Work-up for Positive MGIT Cultures 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3871 Interpreting MGIT Results 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3872 Liquid Culture Contamination and sources of contamination 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3873 Monitoring Liquid Culture Contamination 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3874 False Positive MGIT Cultures 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3875 False Negative MGIT Cultures 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3876 Impact of False MGIT Culture Results 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3877 Troubleshooting LC Growth Recovery 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3878 Troubleshooting LC Detection Time 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3879 Troubleshooting High Liquid Culture contamination 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3882 MGIT Culture Reading Schedule 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management
3884 MGIT 960 Instrument Reports 04/06/2024 Laboratory services and management