Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
706 Registers & Documentation at TU level 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
712 Monitoring of ACF campaign 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
740 TB Treatment Card 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
741 NTEP TB ID Card 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
742 Transfer of TB Patient Ownership 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
743 Treatment Support Plan 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
798 Recording Adherence in Treatment card 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
806 99 DOTS 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
807 99 DOTS- Features and Benefits 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
808 99 DOTS- Envelopes 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
814 Monitoring of Adherence by NTEP Staff 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
815 Monitoring of Adherence by Pateint/TS 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
816 Adherence Summary Dashboard 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
819 Support for Rehabilitation 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
820 Support for deaddiction 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
821 Travel support for people with TB 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
822 Free Drugs and Free Treatment 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
837 Planning Process at TU level 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
838 Supportive Supervision 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
839 Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
841 Maintenance of records - NTEP Drug Stock Register 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1078 Formats used for monitoring [NTEP] 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1089 Causality Assessment for ADR Reporting 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1090 Causality Assessment: WHO-UMC [UPSALA Monitoring Centre] Causality Categories for ADR Reporting 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1091 Severity Criteria for Reporting ADRs 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1633 Supervisory checklist for TB Unit/ Microscopy Centre/ PHI - Health Facility 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1634 Supervision by MO-TC at TU level 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1635 Supervision by DTO at TU level 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1641 Program Monitoring Indicators 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology
1642 NTEP TB Index - Indicators 05/06/2024 Surveillance, SM&E and Epidemiology