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ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
4726 TB-Diabetes service delivery integration 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
4728 Reporting and recording for NPCDCS 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
4730 Nutritional Requirements [Macro and Micro] in patients with Active TB 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
4731 Nutritional Assessment 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
4732 Pathway for Nutritional Management of patients with TB 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
4861 Interventions for Screening of TB in TB-HIV Patients 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
4862 Initiation of Anti-retroviral Therapy [ART] in PLHIV with DR-TB 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
5692 Extra Pulmonary TB [EPTB] 07/06/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
32 Infection Prevention and Control [IPC] 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
35 Reducing TB Vulnerabilities 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
55 Contact Tracing and Investigation 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
57 TB Infection 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
59 Vulnerable Population for Tuberculosis 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
73 Impact of COVID-19 on TB Elimination Efforts 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
74 Airborne Infection Control [AIC] 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
225 Ventilation as an AIC Measure 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
226 Administrative measures for AIC at a Health Facility 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
236 Roles of various stakeholders in IPC 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
253 Testing for TBI 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
255 Follow-up for TPT 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
256 Treatment outcome for TPT 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
327 Exposure to TB Bacilli 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
345 Source of TB infection 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
346 Poor ventilation 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
348 Air exchanges per Hour 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
711 Identifying and mapping the target population for ACF campaign 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
775 Target groups for TPT 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
776 Cascade of Care for TPT 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
777 Approaches for TPT implementation 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
778 Counselling for IGRA/TST 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control