Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
4947 Contraindications of TPT 07/06/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
1 General Concepts and Knowledge in TB 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
11 Microbiology and Pathogenesis of TB 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
12 Stages in the life of a person with TB 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
13 Organizational Structure of NTEP 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
14 Discovery of Mycobacterium TB [M.tb] 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
15 Discovery of Anti TB Drugs 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
19 Operational Definitions in Case Finding 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
50 Health System Integration 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
52 Passive Case Finding 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
61 TB Case classification in NTEP 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
83 Prechemotherapy Era 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
84 NTP era 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
85 RNTCP era 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
88 Stop TB Strategy 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
89 End TB strategy 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
90 Evolution of TB Elimination Programme in India 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
91 National Strategic Plan [NSP] for TB Elimination 2017-25 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
102 National Institutes 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
103 Central TB Division [CTD] 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
104 The State TB Cell 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
105 District TB Centre [DTC] 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
106 Tuberculosis Unit [TU] 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
108 State TB Training and Demonstration Centre [STDC] 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
111 National Health Mission [NHM] 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
112 Naming Tuberculosis 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
120 Classification of TB on the basis of Site of disease 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
121 Classification of TB cases based on history of Previous TB treatment 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
122 Classification of TB on the basis of Drug Resistance 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development
123 Classification of TB on the basis of Type of Diagnosis 07/06/2024 Training and HR Development