PM: Community Engagement
- Community Engagement in NTEP
- Importance of Community Engagement in TB
- Strategies of Community Engagement in NTEP
- TB Forum
- State TB Forum
- District TB Forum
- Functions of District TB Forum
- TB Forum at Block level
- TB Champion
- Empowering the TB Champions
- Incentivising the TB Champions
- Monitoring of work done by TB Champions
- Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilisation [ACSM]
- ACSM goals for TB Elimination
- Developing ACSM objectives
- Target Audience for ACSM activities
- ACSM approaches
- Communication channels
- Designing effective messages
- ACSM planning format
- Jan Andolan
- Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders under Jan Andolan
PM: Establishing Contracted Partnerships
- Guidance document on Partnerships
- Undertaking a needs assessment
- Stakeholder mapping for partnerships
- Partnership option - key features
- Partnership Options for Private sector Engagement
- Input based contracts
- Activity based costing
- Payment and performance management for partnerships
- Performance matrix for partnerships
- Verifications and validations of invoices
PM: General concepts in Private sector Engagement
- Vision of NTEP related to Private Sector Engagement
- Importance of Private Sector Engagement
- Stakeholders for Private Sector Engagement
- Spectrum of Health Care Providers
- Steps for Engagement with the providers
- Onboarding Kit for Private Providers
- Involvement of Pharmacist/Chemist
- Schedule H-1 Regulation
- Involvement of Laboratories
- Involvement of Ayush Providers
- Incentive For Notification and Outcome Declaration
- Mandatory Notification of TB Diagnosis
- Linkages of TB Services with Private providers
- Direct Engagement with Private Sector
- System for TB Elimination in Private Sector [STEPS]
- Patient Provider Support Agency [PPSA]: A Multipronged Approach to Engage the Private Sector
PM: Quality Assurance in Supply Chain Manamgement
- What is Quality Assurance of Drugs in NTEP?
- Protocol of QA of drugs in NTEP
- Process for QA of drugs in NTEP
- Collection of drugs for testing
- Follow up after drug testing
- Recording of QA in Nikshay Aushadhi
- Monitoring of sub stores
- Desk monitoring of supply chain
- Store Visits in NTEP
- Checklists for Store Visit in NTEP
- Documenting the store visit
- Physical Verification of supplies
- Steps for Physical verification of supplies in different stores
- Recording of Physical Verification in Ni-kshay Aushadhi