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ID Language Title Status LMS Page Link ContentCreator Reviewer Updated/commented date Sort descending
1462 English MGIT 960 Instrument: Principle for Culture Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1464 English MGIT 960 Instrument: Parts Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1465 English MGIT 960 Instrument: Maintenance Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1466 English Culture Specimen Processing: Advantages and Disadvantages of NALC-NaOH Method Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1467 English Procedure for Culture Specimen Processing: Pulmonary specimens Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1468 English Procedure for Culture Specimen Processing: Extrapulmonary specimens Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1469 English Procedure for Culture Specimen Processing: Pus and other muco-purulent specimens Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1470 English Procedure for Culture Specimen Processing: Gastric Aspirate Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1471 English Inoculation of Brain Heart Infusion [BHI] Agar Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1472 English Biosafety Requirements in the LPA Lab: Refrigerated Centrifuge Use Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1473 English LPA Biosafety Essentials: Good Laboratory Pactices and Biosafety for LPA Lab Personnel Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1474 English LPA Biosafety Essentials: Procedural Biosafety Measures Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1475 English LPA Laboratory Equipment: Micro Pipettes Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1476 English LPA Laboratory Equipment: Hot Air Oven Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1477 English LPA Laboratory Equipment: Micro Centrifuge Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1478 English LPA Laboratory Equipment: PCR Hood Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1479 English LPA Laboratory Equipment: Thermocycler Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1480 English LPA Laboratory Equipment: Water Bath Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1481 English LPA Laboratory Equipment: Twincubator Page Prioritised Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1482 English Extraction of DNA from Smear Positive Clinical Specimen, LJ and Liquid Media in LPA Lab Settings Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1483 English LPA PCR Reagent Preparation: Test Reagents Kit Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1484 English Hybridization Using GT BLOT in LPA Lab Settings Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1485 English Contamination Control in the Hybridization Area in LPA Lab Settings Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1486 English Evaluation of First-line Line Probe Assay Strip Final Review Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1487 English Evaluation of Second-line Line Probe Assay Strip Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1489 English Interpretation of FL-LPA: Predicting Drug-resistance in Special Cases Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1490 English Interpretation of FL-LPA: Examples of Test Results Interpretation Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1491 English Limitations of First-line Line Probe Assay [FL-LPA] Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1492 English Reporting the Result of First-line Line Probe Assay [FL-LPA] in Special Cases Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1493 English Interpretation of FL-LPA: Predicting TB Drug-resistance Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1494 English Interpretation of SL-LPA: Predicting Drug resistance in Special Cases Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1495 English Interpretation of SL-LPA: Interpretation Examples Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1496 English Limitations of Second-line Line Probe Assay [SL-LPA] Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1497 English LPA Troubleshooting for No Signal Except Conjugate Control [CC] Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1499 English LPA Quality Assurance [QA] Including Quality Control Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1500 English LPA Procedural Quality Control Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1503 English Diagnostic Tools Used in Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial [NTM] Infection Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1504 English Biosafety in TB Laboratories Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1505 English Biosafety in TB Laboratory: Risk Monitoring Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1506 English Good Laboratory Practices Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1507 English Biosafety Measures for TB Laboratories: Code of Practice [Laboratory Access, Procedure and PPE] Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1508 English Classification of TB Laboratories Page Prioritised Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
1509 English Moderate-risk TB Laboratories Final Review Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
5025 English Scope of collaboration with different sectors Approved NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
5027 English Multisector engagement- Overview Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
5040 English 3 I strategy for TB-HIV Approved NimishaArora RakeshPS 1 month 1 week
5024 English Process of collaboration with different sectors Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
5042 English Centre of Excellence in DR-TB Care [CoE] Approved Dr. Priyadarshini Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
5257 English Scope of Public Private Mix Under Development NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week
5334 English Supervisory Skills Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month 1 week