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ID Language Title Status LMS Page Link ContentCreator Reviewer Updated/commented date Sort descending
1129 English Shorter Oral Bedaquiline-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen: Pre-treatment Evaluation [PTE] Approved Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month
1130 English Causes for Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Published on LMS Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month
1132 English Baseline Second-line Drug-susceptibility Testing Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1133 English Prevention of Drug-resistance Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1136 English Shorter Oral Bedaquiline-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen: Eligibility Criteria Approved Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month
1137 English Requirements from Institutions for the Establishment of Nodal DR-TB Centre Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1138 English DR-TB Services Referral Linkage Scenario: Patient Notified from the Private Sector Approved Awele Abhimanyu 1 month
1140 English DR-TB Service Referral Linkages Scenario: DR-TB Patient Referred for Treatment from the Private Sector with Treatment Initiated in the Private Sector ​​ Approved Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 1 month
1139 English DR-TB Service Referral Linkages Scenario: DR-TB Patient Referred for Treatment from the Private Sector with Bacteriological Confirmation in the Private Sector Approved Awele Abhimanyu 1 month
1162 English Quality Assurance of Anti-TB Drugs Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1163 English Universal Access to Quality TB Care Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1164 English End TB Strategy Approach Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1165 English Functions of District National Health Mission Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1167 English Roles of Accredited Social Health Activist [ASHA] for TB Service Delivery at ABHWCs Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1168 English Recording and Reporting at Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1169 English Patient Provider Support Agency [PPSA]: A Multipronged Approach to Engage the Private Sector Approved RichardS Abhimanyu 1 month
1169 Marathi Patient Provider Support Agency [PPSA]: A Multipronged Approach to Engage the Private Sector Approved RichardS Abhimanyu 1 month
1169 Telugu Patient Provider Support Agency [PPSA]: A Multipronged Approach to Engage the Private Sector Approved RichardS Abhimanyu 1 month
1170 English Importance of Properly Identifying Presumptive TB Cases Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1171 English Aims and Objectives of Screening for Active TB Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1172 English Precautions to Ensure Reliability of a Test for Diagnosis of DR-TB Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1180 English Direct Benefits Transfer [DBT] Module: Nikshay Poshan Yojana [NPY] Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1184 English SWOT Analysis of NTEP as per NSP 2020-25 Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1190 English Drugs, Consumables and Financial Support at Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1192 English Types of Health Facilities in the Private Sector: Private Labs Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month
1192 Marathi Types of Health Facilities in the Private Sector: Private Labs Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month
1192 Telugu Types of Health Facilities in the Private Sector: Private Labs Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month
1199 English Vulnerable Population Mapping for TB Screening Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1200 English TB Screening Tools Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1203 English Strategic TB Screening Interventions for the key populations Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1204 English TB Screening: Children Younger than 10 Years Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1213 English Consumables required for SCT Approved ParulG Abhimanyu 1 month
1215 English Process of Specimen Receipt at the Laboratory Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1216 English Acceptance and Rejection Criteria for TB Specimens at Laboratories Page Prioritised NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1217 English Precautions during SCT Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1223 English Purpose of Acid Fast Bacilli [AFB] Microscopy under NTEP Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1224 English Smear Microscopic Examination: Different Grades of Smear Findings Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1227 English Prevention of False Negative Results During Smear Microscopy Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1231 English State Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB [PMDT] Committee Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
1382 English Provisions under the NTEP for the Nodal DR-TB Centre Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
4757 English Constitution of STF OR Committee Page Prioritised aswathkarunakaran@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month
4758 English Functions of STF Page Prioritised Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month
4759 English Zonal task force and composition Approved ayshaabel@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month
4760 English Functions of ZTF Page Prioritised aswathkarunakaran@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month
4761 English NTF and composition Page Prioritised aswathkarunakaran@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month
4762 English Function of NTF Page Prioritised aswathkarunakaran@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month
4796 English Shorter Oral Bedaquiline-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen: Replacement Sequence of Drugs Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month
4801 English Monitoring indicators related to UDST Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month
4802 English Monitoring indicators related to ACF Page Prioritised Awele Abhimanyu 1 month
4805 English Monitoring indicators related to TB Treatment Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month