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ID Language Title Status LMS Page Link ContentCreator Reviewer Updated/commented date Sort descending
476 English Truenat MTB and RIF Assay as a TB Diagnostic Test Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
400 English Spot and early morning sputum sample Published on LMS ShikhaDhawan Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
1000 English Management of DR-TB ADR: Gastritis, abdominal pain Approved Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
3473 English Searching Health Facilities In TB Arogya Sathi Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
3473 Marathi Searching Health Facilities In TB Arogya Sathi Under Development Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
3473 Telugu Searching Health Facilities In TB Arogya Sathi Under Development Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
3474 English Health Record on TB Arogya Sathi Published on LMS Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
3474 Marathi Summary and Treatment Progress View Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
3474 Telugu Summary and Treatment Progress View Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
651 English Alcoholism among people with TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
651 Marathi Alcoholism among people with TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
651 Telugu Alcoholism among people with TB Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
6595 English Screening Algorithm for TPT Under Development arvind.kumar@theunion.org Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
789 English Silicosis in TB Patients Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
789 Marathi Silicosis in TB Patients Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
789 Telugu Silicosis in TB Patients Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
790 English Cancer in TB patients Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
790 Marathi Cancer in TB patients Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
790 Telugu Cancer in TB patients Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
652 English TB in Pregnant and Lactating Women Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
652 Marathi TB in Pregnant and Lactating Women Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
652 Telugu Pregnancy and Lactation in TB Patients Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
4866 English TB and Diabetes comorbidity Approved Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
800 English Assigning a TS Published on LMS SheetalRai SwathiK 2 months 1 week
800 Marathi Assigning a TS Published on LMS SheetalRai SwathiK 2 months 1 week
800 Telugu Assigning a TS Published on LMS SheetalRai SwathiK 2 months 1 week
871 English 99 DOTS- Envelopes Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
871 Marathi 99 DOTS- Envelopes Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
871 Telugu 99 DOTS- Envelopes Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
872 English 99 DOTS- Envelope Dispensing Process Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
872 Marathi 99 DOTS- Envelope Dispensing Process Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
872 Telugu 99 DOTS- Envelope Dispensing Process Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
873 English 99 DOTS- Initiating adherence monitoring of the patient Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
873 Marathi 99 DOTS- Initiating adherence monitoring of the patient Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
873 Telugu 99 DOTS- Initiating adherence monitoring of the patient Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
874 English 99 DOTS- Self Reporting Adherence Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
874 Marathi 99 DOTS- Self Reporting Adherence Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
874 Telugu 99 DOTS- Self Reporting Adherence Published on LMS Namrata PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
605 English Adverse Drug Reactions Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
605 Marathi Adverse Drug Reactions Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
876 English 99 DOTS- Troubleshooting Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
876 Marathi 99 DOTS- Troubleshooting Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
876 Telugu 99 DOTS- Troubleshooting Published on LMS Awele Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week
879 English Adherence Summary Dashboard Published on LMS RichardS SwathiK 2 months 1 week
879 Marathi Adherence Summary Dashboard Published on LMS RichardS SwathiK 2 months 1 week
879 Telugu Adherence Summary Dashboard Published on LMS RichardS SwathiK 2 months 1 week
2107 English Nutritional Support/ PMTBMBA Approved ParulG PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
2107 Marathi Nutritional Support/ PMTBMBA Approved ParulG PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
2107 Telugu Nutritional Support Published on LMS ParulG PrashantBhat 2 months 1 week
685 English Psychosocial Support to People affected by TB Published on LMS Archana.Singh Abhimanyu 2 months 1 week