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ID Language Title Status LMS Page Link ContentCreator Reviewer Updated/commented date Sort descending
4539 English Stakeholder mapping for partnerships Final Review dr.ajayjd@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4541 English National Framework for A Gender-Responsive Approach to TB in India Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4570 English Monitoring indicators for case finding Approved Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4571 English Monitoring indicators related to Notification Approved Shahnawaz Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4574 English Role of CHO in TB Prevention Published on LMS NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4575 English Role of CHO in NTEP Published on LMS NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4578 English National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases and Stroke [NPCDCS] Page Prioritised Awele Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4581 English Shorter Injectable-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen: Eligibility Criteria Final Review aswathkarunakaran@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4582 English Shorter Injectable-containing MDR/RR-TB Regimen: Regimen and Duration Final Review aswathkarunakaran@gmail.com Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4668 English General Terms related to PIP Approved drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4672 English Flow of funds from NHM to NTEP Page Prioritised drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4674 English Identification of Gaps using the Known Program Indicators- Case Finding Page Prioritised drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4675 English Identification of Gaps using the Known Program Indicators- TB Treatment Page Prioritised Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4676 English Identification of Gaps using the Known Program Indicators- TB Prevention Page Prioritised Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4678 English Needs assessment for HRD Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4679 English SWOT analysis of the program/indicators Page Prioritised drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4681 English Determining the priority activities Page Prioritised drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4682 English Setting the targets Final Review drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4683 English Determining activities under each priority need Page Prioritised drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4684 English Making financial assumptions and preparing the budget Final Review Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
4686 English Preparing the activity wise micro plan Final Review drharshshah Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5449 English Suggestive List of Indicators for Partnerships Review Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5459 English TB Mukt Panchayat Initiative Final Review Abhimanyu RakeshPS 1 month 2 weeks
5460 English Methodology for TB Mukt Panchayat Approved Abhimanyu RakeshPS 1 month 2 weeks
5461 English Certification Process for TB Mukt Panchayat Approved Abhimanyu SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5502 English TB Forum at Block level Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5503 English Suggested agenda points for District TB Forum meetings Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5504 English Secretariat & Financial Support for District TB Forum Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5505 English Functions of District TB Forum Final Review Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5506 English Functions of State TB Forum Final Review Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5507 English Roles & responsibilities of Family Care Givers in TB care Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5511 English PMTBMBA and Ni-kshay 2.0 Portal Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5515 English Monitoring community structures engagement under NTEP Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5517 English Suggested activities by Community Structures under NTEP Final Review Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5518 English Developing implementation plan for an intervention Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5519 English Implementation of an impactful activity and ensuring its sustainability Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5520 English Mobilising the Corporates Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5523 English Sustain the partnership with the corporates Final Review Kamalini.Mukhopadhyaya@theunion.org Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5527 English Strategic Approach for multi-stakeholder engagements Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5529 English Expectations from specific Departments/PSUs Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5544 English Types of Communcation Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5560 English Persuasion Approved SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5561 English Rejection Handling Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5562 English Relationship Building Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5566 English Adaptive Leadership Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5598 English Activities that can be undertaken by TB Champions Final Review SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5600 English Role of a TB Champion Depreciated SwathiK SwathiK 1 month 2 weeks
5602 English Mutual Expectations of NTEP and Private Providers Final Review NimishaArora Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5605 English Processes to be followed by the States for Ministries/Departments engagement Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks
5606 English Processes to be followed by the States for Corporates engagement Final Review Awele Abhimanyu 1 month 2 weeks